Militärversion der ECC82 (Lange Lebensdauer, Hohe Zuverlässigkeit, Engere Toleranzen, Höhere Stoß und Erschütterungsfestigkeit) von ECG Philips Made in USA (Sylvania).Military version of the ECC82 (long life, high reliability, tight tolerances, better impact resistance) made by ECG Philips in the USA (Sylvania).
Manufacturer: Sylvania
Compare to: ECC82, 12AU7
Pinout: 1=A2, 2=g2, 3=K2, 4=H, 5=H, 6=A1, 7=g1, 8=K1 9=Hm
Typical operating values:
FIlament 6,3V/0,35A or 12,6V/0,175A, Ua=250V, Ia=10,5mA (each system), S=2,2mA/V, mu=17
Maximal operating values:
Ua=330V, Pa=3W (each System), Ik=22mA, Ukh=100V, Rg=0,5MOhm
Socket: Noval
Ratings (4)
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