Green Currant Tremolo kit

Item number: 1497

Percussive and vibey Tremolo.

Category: Parasit Studio kits


starting from 29,00 €

Final price incl. VAT, plus shipping (mitttel)


Shipping time: 3-7 Working days


The Green Currant tremolo is a very percussive and vibey tremolo based around the TDA7052A amplifier chip. It splits the signal into two paths that are out of phase. One side is static and the other is filtered and amplitide modulated, then both paths are summed together. This results in what sounds almost like a light vibrato/phaser'ish effect. This tremolo has a range pot insted of a conventional depth pot. It controls the frequency-range of the modulation. The Attack switch toggles between hard and soft attack (saw/ramp waveshape).

This kit is a creation by in cooperation with If you have any problem with the content of the kits like mising or wrong parts, please contact Musikding (Klaus) at For any technical problem relating to building this project, please contact Fredrik at

Here´s the parts list: Parts List (BOM)

This kit contains all parts you need to build a fully functional effect pedal. Not included in the kit, but also good to have:

  • Aluminium enclosure: select one from top
  • 9V DC power supply
  • 2 nice knobs for the potentiometer, up to 20mm diameter and for 6.3mm shafts
  • Decal, transfer or transparent sheets for labeling

Green Currant docs.

Instrument: Guitar
Effect-Type: Tremolo


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