The Little Rebel, designed by Michael Massberg, is a small, Amp, featuring a 2 LM386N-3 power amp, bringing 2W power to the speaker. It is mainly designed for overdriven rock sounds. It can use any speaker with at least 4 Ohm impedance.
The kit contains everything you need, knobs and enclosure are not included.
Different enclosures can be used, as long as it is big enough for the 13,7 x 4,5cm pcb. Hammond 1444-14 is good for mounting the pots on the front, a DD enclosure is great for mounting the pots on the top, to use the amp on the effect board.For power supply just use a normal 9V DC supply, like it is used for effect pedals, too.
Build documents
Installation guide: Installation guide
Schematic and pcb: Schematic
Wiring layout: Wiring
Parts list (BOM): Parts list