Pumpernickel compressor kit

Item number: 1691

Bass compressor, based on the THAT4301 IC.

Category: Schalltechnik_04


starting from 69,00 €

Final price incl. VAT, plus shipping (mitttel)

Not available now!


Unfortunately, this edition of the Pumpernickel kit will definitely be the last. The circuit boards will be gone for all.

The Pumpernickel is a dbx160a isnpired compressor, optimized for bass players. Based on the THAT4301 it is working with 18V, but can be used with any 9V DC power supply. Controls are Threshold, Output, Ratio and Blend, also a 9db Boost and a switch for changing hard- and soft-knee characteristic.

This kit is a creation by Schalltechnik_04 in cooperation with Musikding.de. If you have any problem with the content of the kits like mising or wrong parts, please contact Musikding (Klaus) at kontakt@musikding.de. For any technical problem relating to building this project, please contact Julian. You can get him here: schalltechnik04@gmail.com

Here´s the parts list: Parts List (BOM)

This kit contains all parts you need to build a fully functional effect pedal. Not included in the kit, but also good to have:

  • 9V DC power supply
  • 4 knobs for smooth 6.3mm shaft
  • Decal, transfer or transparent sheets for labeling
  • Documents: Pumpernickel docs.

    Here´s the lnk to the thread in the Bassic-Forum: Pumpernickel Thread

    Instrument: Bass
    Effect-Type: Preamp

    Ratings (9)

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    1 from 1 Customers found the following product review helpful
    5 from 5 Excellent compressor kit

    Excellent compressor , it even has a blend option.

    Medium+ difficulty but the result is worth it

    ., 09.04.2018
    Total entries: 2
    5 from 5 Best Bass Compressor

    No money for diamond bass compressor? Pumpernickel its the best option.

    ., 05.07.2018
    5 from 5 Definitely worth it, great sounding compressor

    Very happy with this compressor. I really love the gain reduction LEDs and the blend knob. The two SMD capacitors are not a big deal, not difficult at all after looking up how to solder them down. The hardest part was drilling the 3mm holes for all the LEDs on a straight line. Although I didnt have any trouble making this pedal, I dont recommend it to someone who never made a guitar pedal before because of the complexity. But with a little bit of experience it’s no problem. Besides that the sound is very good, it can really squeeze if you want to.

    ., 07.07.2021
    Total entries: 2

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