SWAH kit

Item number: swahkit

Auto Wah

Category: Modulation, Dynamic


starting from 39,50 €

Final price incl. VAT, plus shipping (mitttel)


Shipping time: 3-7 Working days


The SWAH is an AutoWah with control for sensitivity, resonance, bias and decay.

This kit contains the pcb and all necessary parts. You can choose an enclosure, please select 4 knobs, up to 20mm diameter, for 6,3mm shaft separately.
Here is a list with the parts in the kit: Bill of materials

This project is by GuitarPCB.com, in cooperation with Musikding. If you have any problem with the content of the kits like missing or wrong parts, please contact Musikding (Klaus). For any technical problem relating to building this project, please contact Barry at GuitarPCB.com forum.

You get full technical support at the GuitarPCB.com forum, membership is free of course:
GuitarPCB Forum.

Here is the direct link to the building docs, including layout and schematic:
Build documentation

Instrument: Guitar Bass
Effect-Type: EQ/Mix

Video Demo

Ratings (22)

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Total entries: 10
5 from 5 Superb PCBs andwebsite

Ive built this pedal and it is absolutely excellent Ill be glad when all of guitarpcbs kits and pcbs are available here

GuitarPCB PCBs are excellent the best Ive used in any of my builds Ive built this the Dr Phybes Phaser, Dr Rock Marshall overdrive, Hot Chilicon Tone Bender, Sho Nuff Overdrive/Booster and am currently building the MoRC compressor, Delay and EA Tremelo all fantastic pedals backed up by Barrys great site and superb support. Even though it costs double for postage from the US to what youve spent its well worth it - so as I say, the sooner you can get all GuitarPCBs stuff here Ill be happy to order and save on postage.

., 21.06.2013
4 from 5 Tolles Auto-Wah

der Bausatz ist nicht für Anfänger zu empfehlen. Er funktioniert einwandfrei, manche Potistellungen ergeben aber ehr ein Fixed Wah Sound. Auch bei zurücknehmen des Gitarrenvolumepotis verändert sich das Verhalten des Wahs. Das ist kein Negativpunkt, ich möchte es aber erwähnen. Es sind keine selbstklebenden Abstandhalter vorhanden. Die Dokumentation, bzw. die Verdrahtungsanleitung von GuitarPCB könnte besser sein. Batteryclip ist z.b. nicht mit eingezeichnet, keins der drei Potis muss so verdrahtet werden (es genügen jeweils 2 Litze), sondern kann am Poti direkt verbunden werden. Die GND Verdrahtung auf der Platine ist auch mehrfahch. Wenn man sich hier aber an die Tonepadvorlage hält oder an die sonstige Musikdingverdrahtung, ist das kein Problem. Die Germaniumdiode ist mechanisch schnell zerstört, ich habe sie durch eine 1N4148 ersetzt. Das Wah funktioniert auch damit, bei Zeiten werde ich diese durch eine Schottky BAT43 tauschen.
Der Bausatz ist ansich also wirklich gut, die Doku von GuitarPCB etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.

., 11.01.2014
5 from 5 as good as the original!

super classic funky quack effectwhith wah like tone !
no buzz it even seams to supress the noise from my zendrive kit (I don t know why but its good to know)
great effect izy built(even if I had few problems ^^).I am still surprised by the quality of the kits from musikding and guitar pcb!
unbeatable price (the mad professor swaw does cost 280 bucks!boutique madness)

., 24.01.2014
5 from 5 Auto-Wah

Nice kit. Necessary to read instructions carefully on the GuitarPCB site. The V3 PCB needs a shunt connection. The kit comes with resistor R27 = 7,5K instead of 7,9K on the diagram, but this doesnt cause any change on result.
Be carefull with Ge diode 1N34 because its fragile (I broke mine while bending connections).

., 07.07.2014
5 from 5 Funky !

Good kit.
Not for beginners, but really good sound.

Bon kit.
Pas pour débutant, mais trés bon son.
Les instructions sur le site guitarPCB sont trés utiles pour lutilisation et/ou le montage débugage du circuit.

De mon coté il a fallu que jadapte R18 comme expliqué sur guitarpcb.com pour adapter la sensibilité à ma basse. Ensuite, que du bonheur !!!

., 06.01.2015
5 from 5 Very nice

It is very nice product

., 06.03.2015
5 from 5 great sound

be careful while bending glass diodes because they are very very fragile!

., 09.03.2015
5 from 5 Good Kit

Sounds really good and at the end very satisfied! Same problem as other rewiever with glass diode. I broked and I bought five others.. (great choice) cause Ive broken three others!!!
In the last one I choose not to put nearly the pcb but a little higher than the others.

., 27.10.2015
5 from 5 Diode again..

Continuing the proud lineage of people before me, I fatfingered and broke the germanium diode. Do yourself a favor and install this thing standing up, and bend only one pin a safe distance away from the glass to install it. Otherwise youre gonna have a bad time.

Sounds great, and its a lot easier to control than other envelope filters Ive built..

., 07.06.2016
5 from 5 très bon kit

Cest juste super bien.
Faites attention toutefois, il y a une petite erreur sur la notice. Les boutons de decay et de sensitivity nont pas changé de place entre la version 3 et la version 4. Suivre les indications p1, p2, p3, sur lancien pcb et sur la liste des composants. Sinon vous risquez dinverser les deux potentiomètres.

., 22.06.2020
Total entries: 10

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